The 2100, you can download the manual and exploded drawings from the Crosman site.

This is where you pour the BBs in. It's also where you pour them out before working on the rifle.

I removed those three screws.

Like the 760 and the 66, the gun sort of falls apart after you pry it open. It's hard to show every step because so much of the reassembly involves both hands.

Notice the small spring (766A020) at the top fits against that cutout.

This is the way the trigger spring goes.

The sear can be retracted and the tube removed.

This shows the trigger relationship to the sear.

The small white plug (766-030) retains the hammer spring.

Remember that small spring? Here it is in its natural habitat fitted against the 766-019.

The bolt and 766-013 plastic thingy (Crosman doesn't give a name for it).

The hammer parts.

I unscrewed the forearm.

Mostly disassembled...more to come.
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