Used two coats of Varathane American Walnut.
Producing this.
Got out the Dasco Pro scratch awl and sharpened the tip.
Let the stippling begin. There are plenty of ways to texture the wood using punches or a Dremel tool. For whatever reason, I gravitate toward doing this the hard way.
tap, tap, tap.... It's a laborious process.
Left side done.
Finished up the sanding on the right grip and stained it.
Just need to stipple the right grip panel.
There's a lot more surface to stipple on this side.
A couple evenings after work while watching late night TV got the grips to this point.
I liked the look, but I'd missed the mark. After 50 or so shots, it was apparent that the palm shelf needed to adjust upward a bit more. I was slightly less than thrilled considering how much time I had into the project at this point. Felt kinda stupid. I should have shot the gun more after getting the shelf fitted--before staining and all the stippling. After thinking about it for a while, I thought there might be an easy fix.
I decided to make the shelf taller rather than make a completely new one . Cut an outline of the shelf from a piece of 1/4" walnut scrap--always looking for the best part of grain.
I was thinking that if I dress it up enough, maybe it won't be so bad.
Cut a sliver of thin maple.
For, uh, contrast. (or maybe height)
Sanded off the wood stain from the top of the shelf and went looking for the Gorilla Glue.
About four hours later in the clamps. Together (hopefully) forever.
Sanded and re-stained. Made every effort to not get walnut stain on the maple.
Success! Got the needed height and I like the added visual appeal of the spacer.
Nice burl to complement the left side. The height problem turned out to be a rather fortuitous mistake.
Well, these certainly beat the old plastic grips. I'm calling it on this one. Took 3 posts and a couple weeks of working here and there. I need a different project next that doesn't involve so much sawdust.
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