Found center of a piece of 1/2" round aluminum rod. This will attach the hook to the main rod.
Through drilled 3/8" at an angle--to fit over the rod.
Cut a slit for a pinch clamp.
Faced the ends and added a bevel.
Drilled, tapped, countersunk for the M5 pinch bolt.
Test fit. The leftmost piece is the attachment piece for the shoulder hook.
Now for the hook itself: Faced a piece of 7/16" W-1 steel. (it's a water-hardening tool steel)
A second piece gets a slight taper and some decorative grooves.
Milled halfway through each end to create flats. Getting the flats parallel to each other took some set up time.
Another view of the milling cutter.
A little layout, then the holes were spotted and drilled.
These will be the pivot points to allow adjustment of the hook.
Tapped M5 x 0.8mm.
Still in the rough, but there's the hook.
Beveled the ends with a belt sander so it doesn't look gnawed by rats. If I later find that more adjustment possibilities are required, it'll be simple to cut and add an additional pivot(s).
Again, a rough test fit. The aluminum blocks are gonna need a lot of work.
The rubber pad will be removed from the stock and all this (and more) will be retrofit.
Cleaned up the hook on a brass wire wheel. At least the hook is ready for prime time. I guess I need to finish the top of the buttplate then get on with the shaping. Oh, and there's the base plate to connect this to the stock.
So, there's more to come.
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