Just two pieces left…

Rear cartridge piercing.

I braced it in a vice and unscrewed it.

Well two pieces came out…

The o-ring has an old nick.

The piercer won’t come out…soaked it in some WD40.

So the valve tube assembly end won’t come out because one screw is sheared off. I drilled it down below the surface.

Finally. Man, look at that rust. I was hesitant to take the Trapmaster apart as it looked ok, but clearly it needed this.

Even the o-ring is rusty.

Valve spring.

Valve assembly.

At least the valve seat looks good.

Valve parts.

That seal looks ok.

Finally was able to jimmy out the piercing pin with a broken dental pick.

The screen retainer was so rusty it broke when I removed it.

Dang, that’s nasty.
One more post…
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