I don't have a head count for the show, but I expect that well over 350 people attended. All the tables were full and there were even a few set up outside under a tent.
There were vintage Daisy BB guns and parts by the ton.
Got Daisy bayonets?
The amount of repair parts for BB guns was unbelievable.
Vintage Crosman guns were also there in absolutely huge numbers.
There was so much variety. Walther, Falke, Hy-Score, Feinwerkbau, Diana, Weihrauch, Drulov, FAS, Haenel, Relum, Air Arms, Targ-Air, Gamo, you-name-it, it was there.
Killer deals on walk-ins, too. I saw another gentleman with an AA TX-200 asking only $375.
Theodore Summers even brought helpers.
Randy Mitchell
Need a vintage FWB pistol--or three?
There must have been almost a dozen S&W 78G's. There was one on every other table.
Ken Reeves had this gorgeous custom stocked FWB 124 at a giveaway price. Factory stocked 124's sell for this price all day on the Yellow Airgun classifieds. The walnut was really exceptional.
Homemade rubber band powered gun.
Add more bands for more power.
Daisy made these Buck Rogers guns.
Saw about ten Crosman 600's.
Almost a dozen really clean Crosman MK1/MK2s
Yep. A Feltman.
Three boxed sets of Crosman manufactured conversion kits for your .45 Auto pistol.
The Groenwalds.
Steven Joseph
Ken Reeves
Kevin Hull and Mike Sproveri
Ted Summers was all grins.
Joe Adamo lives to go from gun show to gun show.
I found the youngest attendee at the Sawmiller's.
Show organizer Dan Lerma and his wife, Angie. They were everywhere with permanent smiles.
Some idiot blog writer with a DAQ. (Photo credit to Dennis Quackenbush.)
And the absolute coolest item I saw today--the Daisy Atomic Disintegrator.
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