I tore down this relatively new-to-me Baikal IZH-61 several weeks ago and it's still sitting idle on the workbench. The cocking lever catch wasn't aligning properly requiring some fiddling to get it to latch. I'm sure it just needs a little tweak to get it back into alignment. But, you know the old saying, "In for a penny, in for a pound". Got this from well-heeled airgun extraordinaire FrankB--who I believe got it in turn from Volvo. If that's the case, it's almost home--at least geographically--as Volvo only lives about 15 minutes away.
It's exactly the same version as the one I previously covered here.
Looks almost completely dry inside.
Hoped to get to it this evening, but time didn't permit. Hopefully in the next few days things will settle back down.
I was also side-tracked with a knife handle project. Some brief info on it can be found here if anyone is interested in such things.
A couple weeks ago, I got a call from a friend who wanted to sell a 3-in-1 lathe-mill-drill machine. I stopped by and took a look. Since then, I've been moving things around to find a spot for it at the house. It's not that big--the footprint is only about 2' x 4"--it's just ungodly heavy.
It's a like-new 2001 Shopmaster Eldorado.
5" diameter chuck. The spindle hole is 1.125". Just the ticket for airgun barrels.
It's got a DRO package.
Power feed, thread cutting...
Luckily, there was also a lot of tooling.
This is a knurling tool to produce diamond shaped cross hatching.
Lots of clamps. Lots to clean up.
Piles of Morse taper and R8 endmill holders and adapters.
The machine is set up, relatively clean and I made some test cuts to familiarize myself with the controls. Still need some practice, but it'll be fun.
More to come.
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