The end of the plunger.

Finding an edge.

Drilling two holes to match the spacing on the plunger.

Two pins pressed in.

Unscrewing the plunger.


I don't think the leather compression ring is supposed to be built up out of three parts as the drawing I have shows it made of 1/4" thick leather. The expander ring is rusted horribly and will need to be replaced.

Unscrewing the rest of the assembly.

That is a solid piece...

The felt was pretty rotten. I think I have a spare.

You can see that there is space for the expander ring near the end.

As far as I can tell, on the pressure stroke air enters through those holes forcing the leather against the sidewall assisted by the expander ring. As it is withdrawn the expander ring ,being springy, compresses enough to allow air by. I'll be blogging more about that when I get to the point of rebuilding the plunger.
Now to just find the time to put it back together.
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