I decided to start on the top one. The one beneath it is of similar vintage but has more issues. My plan is to not restore the finish but to just get it functioning. I want a specimen rather than a beauty.

The only real problem is a chip out of the pump arm. Not sure what to do but I may just leave it.

Removing the stock screw.

The cork gasket needs to be replaced.

The cocking knob doesn't seem to be original so I'll swap with the other ones knob.

I'll need to make some tools...

The other cocking knob fits fine.

I slid the small spring that retains the pump pivot pin off to the right.

And removed the pin.

Gently tapping off the front plug.

The two parts.

The pump plunger is leather!

For the life of me I couldn't remove this pin. So I decided to leave that assembly together for fear of destroying that fiber sleeve.

Removing the rear sight.

With the cocking knob removed the bolt just slides out.
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