The two rifles. Sorry about the lack of composition...

Remove two screws from the stock forearm.

And the rear trigger guard screw.

When you remove the stock a small bent piece of steel comes out.

That fits in here.

It keeps tension in the cocking arm.

The cocking arm. Most (many?) spring piston airguns have a cocking arm with ears so that it is retained in the slot, but not this Slavia.

It just lifts out.

I broke the barrel to relieve tension on the hinge pin.

I removed the lock screw and then the pivot bolt.

You can see a notch in the chisel detent. It is rotated 180 degrees and the slot fits over the pivot screw to retain it.

Spring and detent slide right out.

You can see how the pivot hole intersects the hole for the detent.

This pin retains the trigger.

It pushes out with a pin punch.

And you rotate the trigger out.

Don't lose that spring...
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