It's half cocked because there's a pellet jammed in it. You can download the manual and exploded drawing from Crosman and if you know German you can read a bit about it here as well.

Removing the forend screws.

The cover pivots on those plastic nubbins. The steel straps retain the CO2 cartridge against the barrel band that doubles as the CO2 screw nut.

Removing the other side.

More screws come out.

And the other side. They are mostly all different sizes but it's not hard to keep track of which goes where.

While it didn't explode apart, there are still a bunch of small spring loaded parts shoehorned into the housing.

All that remains is the safety on one housing half.

As disassembled.

This is the most compact valve I've seen.

Setscrew holds the barrel on.

Setscrew holds the valve on.
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