Nasty red grease...

My sister up in Canada bought me some 630/631 piston seals from D&L airguns for my birthday. They won't ship to the states and I'm not selling them!

Not the best finish on the piston.

Polished it on the unitized wheel.

Same for the spring guide.

Much better.

I had a moment of genius and decided to bear against a bearing when reassembling.

Allows you to more easily thread the end cap into the tube. I think I'll make a better fixture in the future.

I had to release the tension on the barrel latch when inserting the pivot screw.

I don't know what the white stuff is (cocoa butter? soap?) but it was caked up on the spring that holds the cocking assembly against the tube.

I spray painted the plain aluminum muzzle break I made two years ago.

Finished flat black. Looks much better.
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