Here's a pic of another sleeve I made last year for the IZH-61. Sleeve was made exactly the same way and the results were the same. Just pretend this sleeve is longer. The original spring fit like a dream.
Instead of moly this time around, I used Permatex copper based anti-seize. This is the stuff that Beeman used to send when you got the "Laser" upgrade kit for your R-1--only they called it Beeman Laser Lube and charged accordingly.
Marked "for titanium" because I use it on titanium fasteners instead of grease or aluminum based anti-seize. Anyway, it's a long story and I get to work on some really cool stuff.
The piston seal got a thin coat. The piston body, even less.
Only this much.
Psycho Lube. I don't think this grease is made anymore. I can't find a web site for it. I think I got it at a trade show a couple years ago. It's a "high performance" synthetic bearing grease. It's translucent and feels slicker than moly. I rebuilt the pivot, barrel latch, and cocking lever with it.
Thin coat of copper anti-seize on the mainspring. Reassembled as before and shot some targets. Gave it about 100+ shots to settle in and set up the chronograph. As usual, RWS Hobby wadcutters were used as a baseline pellet.
Wow, this is on the hot side for a Weihrauch 35! A ten-shot string ranged from 802.6 to 816.7 fps. This may well be my stopping point for internal work.
Gonna leave this one set up with the diopter sights. I've got enough scoped rifles and need some variety.
Found some brass set screws for the original sight holes, but next up is probably a cover plate.
Note: HW sight mounting holes are an extremely odd metric thread size-- M5 x 0.5
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