Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Haenel 303-Super Picture Addendum and Chrony Numbers

The sun came out today so I thought I'd take advantage and snap a couple better pics of the new
barrel weight.

The 3/4" OD tubing was the largest size that would still blend into the front sight band. Didn't want to have to channel the weight for the front sight as this was supposed to be simple.

Here's the 4mm set screws.

Still needs an accessory rail and a hand stop.

Ran the gun over the chrony and it's putting out RWS .177 cal Hobby pellets at an average of 659 fps over a 30 shot string.

The next project will be an aperture for the IZH diopter I found at the Findlay, OH, Toys that Shoot show. Hopefully, just some basic lathe work.

Should have something up in a couple days.


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