Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick October Update

Just a quick blurb.  Haven't been posting as often lately. As of late, it's mostly due to the weather is changing and any free time has been spent getting the home and yard ready for winter.

I'm stuck on the IZH 53M for a couple more days.  I didn't have a large enough diameter piece of rod on hand to make a new end cap.  Put together a metal order and got some of 12L14 steel in the required size.  12L14 is a "free machining" steel that's easier to work (than a hardenable tool steel) due to it's lower carbon content.  Hopefully, the metal order will arrive later today and I can finish up the IZH over the weekend.

Also have an easy project for my Aeron target pistols on the bench right now.  Want to make a couple metal thread covers for the bulk-fill caps--except  I didn't have a M18 x 2mm tap on hand.  Yep, those are in transit right now, too--apparently on the slow boat as the tracking number hasn't shown forward progress in a week.

So, I'm just stuck in a holding pattern for a couple days.
On another front, I've got some machinery being delivered in the next week that will allow for some projects I've been unable to attempt. 

Keep us in mind if you have some older (new is good, too!) airguns laying around that need a good home.  Non-functional is just dandy as that's the theme of the blog.  We're always looking for project guns.  Sometimes broken guns are useful to us for barrels, sights, valves, etc. If you have anything of value to us--dubious or otherwise--drop us an email or leave a comment and Nick or I will get back to you. 


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