With the bolt removed I was able to remove the other breech screw.

And the barrel and breech came off. Unlike the previous 140 the barrel was solidly joined to the breech.

The transfer port seal was really messed up.

Note the stamping "M140" HAWTHORNE", etc...

There's a pressed in threaded bushing that I had to remove. I punched it out. Later I would realize that my roll pin pusher works really well for this.

It's straight knurled.

Probably the biggest pain in disassembling the gun.

The tube cap (Sear Block Stop) comes out under a small amount of spring force.

Nothing fancy.

The hammer, "small tube plug" and "valve pin" drop out.

You can see where a guy with pliers attacked the stock screw.

My gentler alternative, a spare 1/2" jacobs chuck used as a wrench.

The transfer port seal. Note the metal part of the "Breech Gasket Assembly" or transfer port seal.

I used a dowel to push the valve out the front of the tube.

The valve and cap.

Unscrewing the cap reveals the white plastic (teflon?) check valve and spring.

Now the trigger.

Opens up with two screws. Unlike the better 160 trigger there aren't any adjustments.

Huge trigger & sear unit...

Nothing to it. That's everything except the pump cup/plunger stripped.
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