I chucked up the breech cap in the Taig lathe.

Filed and sanded smooth. Notice the number 114 on the end...

The two o rings in the valve cap were dry and split when I removed them.

I replaced the square ring with a 008 o-ring.

And the other with a 011

Likewise the valve body got a 012.

And a 111.

Pushing that knurled pin back in with an aluminum c-clamp.

I decided to chuck the transfer port seal in favor of a piece of 1/4" nylon tubing.

I hit the breech cover and breech with some Oxpho blue.

I should have done that cap in the main tube too. Oh well.

The 008 o-ring leaked, so I tried a 4mm x 2mm inside the valve cap. Worked better. It leaks down if left pumped for 48 hours, but not 24. Go figure. I know the last time I used an o-ring I said I'd order in some square seals (Quattro rings) but I never did. Maybe I will now. Anyway it pumps up and shoots. Too rainy to Chrony it but it feels good.
[Update] Ran some shots over the chronograph, got an average of 614 fps with 10 pumps, 14.3 gr. Crosman Premiers.
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