He shipped it with the grips already removed. Not that it would have added much to the process.

The 600 is a true semi-automatic pellet pistol, 10 round in line magazine.

I removed the piercing cap. There are several variations of this and I'll show another one later when I disassemble a second 600 I recently acquired.

I removed the rear sight screw.

A tiny ball bearing provides the detent for the sight elevation.

Sight components.

The rear cover is up next.

Held on by a screw and lock washer.

It retains the magazine spring.

I removed the spring and pulled the follower towards the rear. The knob is retained by an allen set screw.

With the knob removed the follower comes out. Here are the parts so far.

Here you can see the set screw, knob and follower.

The feed arm on this pistol is retained by one set screw. On others it may be retained by two.

With the screw removed the cam slides out the magazine tube.

The feed arm, cam and set screw.

The feed arm is a bit scarred up, likely due to inexpert unjamming technique (brute force with a screw driver).
More to come...
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