Side left.
The flip side.
This isn't my first choice for a shoulder connection interface. Stocks look unfinished with this type of butt. Even a thin plastic butt plate is better than this. At least make it look like you tried.
No going back now.
A few minutes along.
There's some decent grain under that brown varnish. Took a bit over half an hour to strip the stock with a hand sander. Used garnet (as opposed to aluminum-oxide) paper. Faster cutting action and the garnet paper tends to last a lot longer.
Went down the street to my aunt and uncle's house to get some saw time.
Eyeballed it.
Looks pretty good. Now I have to fit either a recoil pad or a butt plate.
Ok, now I'm really committed. Guess I'll be making a new forend tip to match.
More to come.
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