As received there was clearly a problem with the CO2 cartridge loading port.

The steel strap was bent.

I unscrewed the strap.

Pretty severe.


So I hammered and bent.

This method worked the best.

But I then had to shrink and stretch the metal through selective hammering to get it flat again...

Not bad.

Still a little bent though. More hammering and tweaking...

Finally about as good as it'll get.

You can see the cam mechanism, that bears on the tapered nut for piercing the cartridge.

That screw adjusts the tension.

One setscrew removes the barrel and shroud.

The shroud is solid(?) and I'm assuming molded in place around the barrel.

The piercing pin and seal is the same as used on the Crosman 38 revolvers.

Unscrewing the valve.

The inlet and exhaust valve parts removed.
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