As you can see the rear sight was broken.

The parts removed. The actual sight blade was missing.

I used a razor saw to cut off the remaining body.

It's interesting a hole is there.

Used files to get it mostly smooth.

Mounted a Williams sight. I'll probably keep the scope on it but the Williams sight looks semi-original.

The end of the barrel shroud was chewed up so I chucked the whole thing in the lathe.

There was plenty of material so I removed a bunch of the damage.

That circular remnant was removed with a countersink.

The barrel got a shot of Krylon plastic paint.

Looks much better.

I used some steel wool on the stock and gave it a coat of Tru-Oil. Nothing fancy.

I think it's interesting that there's a cutout you can see the bolt lug through.

All done. It's a fun plinker but the plastic shroud around the straw barrel is too flexible for my taste. If I ever want a project I'll replace the shroud with a drilled out rifle barrel, but I doubt that day will ever come.
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